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Dj Tikkanen Krazy

The nickname came from the days of b-boys and b-girls.I always tried to cheer my friends up with a joke or two and one day one my inspirational friend (R.i.p.) Crazy-Eric said that you should have this nickname cause you are “Crazy”.
From that day it was Dj Crazy-Cut and my love for music started a journey with mixtapes where I put together scratches, effects and at that time brand new Hiphop.
Without me knowing these tapes where copied and spread from the streets to restaurants and studios who wanted to hear new hip sounds, I had created myself a name.
Sons Of Soul would become the fruit from this era and our mini album + two 12 inches “Madness” and “Another day is gone” gained respect worldwide especially in the UK.
Soulnights and R&B alongside my great friend DJ Rock-Ski where two nights where anything with funk and soul would appear alongside hiphop, reggae and other worldsounds. We where featured on MTV as a unique sound in Europe.
Conkreet Jungle was a creation that I was proud of til this day this is where you would find the Stockholms “ratpack” of people involved in soul, hiphop, ragga, dance and later jungle. We went to many cities in Europe thru hard times both racism-wise and fear for the music attracting “wrong” public. The outcome of this was loads of greedy situations and greedy people.
Jungle and drum and bass would become my sanctuary (with clubs Fastfood and Drum and Bass Jazz) for the past 20 years where I found myself enjoying playing the foundation of everything I done in the past.
I´ve been playing clubs like the Mambo Inn (UK), Giant Step (U.S.), The Nells (U.S), Tavern On The Green (U.S.), Big Sound Family Nights (Fin), Fusion (Swe) and booked loads of amazing dj´s and artist.
The WAX ON WAX OFF show is my music I been collecting for more than 40 years. I love the lot so dont be afraid if we travel from: Brazil, Cuba, Jamaica, USA and United Kingdom to your space.


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